Managing R Libraries

R is a free software environment for statistical computing and graphics. Many commonly used libraries have been preloaded on Roar Collab and can be used with the library() command.

R Versions

R users should make sure that the version of R remains consistent. Several R versions are available, and when a package is installed in one version, it is not always accessible when operating in another version. Always check the R version and remain consistent!

Installing R Packages

R packages can be installed from within the R console with the following command:

> install.packages( <package> )

The first time you run this command in a single version of R, you will be prompted to create a personal library. The default location for your personal library is the .R directory found in your home directory.

After installation, packages can then be loaded using the following command in the R console:

> library( <package> )

Custom library paths

To install a package in a custom location, an install location can be specified using the lib argument:

> install.packages( "<package>", lib="<install_path>" )

To load a package installed in a non-standard location, the lic.loc argument of the library() command is used to specific the install location:

> library( <package>, lib.loc="<install_path>" )

Another method to specify package installation locations for R is to modify the R_LIBS or R_LIBS_USER environment variable before launching an R console session. R_LIBS is sufficent for command line use of R, but if RStudio is being used, the R_LIBS_USER environment variable must be modified before launching RStudio.

Modifying these environment variables properly can eliminate the need to use the lib.loc option of R's library() command.

It is recommended to review dependencies of any packages to be installed because additional software may have to be loaded in the environment before launching the R console.

For example, some R packages utilize CMake to perform the installation. In that case, the cmake module should be loaded before launching the R console session.


Some R packages may require additional software or changes to the user environment before the package can be installed successfully within the R console. Sometimes this is loading a necessary compiler version or other software dependencies which is accomplished by using the module load command prior to launching R session.

Always check the package documentation for details on which dependencies a specific package requires. CRAN hosted packages almost always have a Reference manual which specify dependencies.

R Package Installation Example: units

Sometimes dependent software or libraries will need to be downloaded and installed to proceed with the R package installation.

For example, to install the R package units, we can see by the package documentation that it requires the C library udunits-2 as specified under "SystemRequirements". Before we can install units the system library udunits-2 must be downloaded and compiled:

$ wget
$ tar -xvf udunits-2.2.28.tar.gz
$ cd udunits-2.2.28
$ ./configure prefix=$HOME/.local
$ make
$ make install

Once the library is compiled, certain environmental variables are updated to ensure R can find the udunits-2 library:

$ export UDUNITS2_INCLUDE=$HOME/.local/include
$ export UDUNITS2_LIBS=$HOME/.local/lib

Now that the requirements are set up and available, we can proceed with installing the R package:

$ module load r/4.2.1
$ R
> install.packages("units")
> library(units)